Chinese Oil Paintings & Sculptures
Chinese Paintings & Calligraphy (Part I)
Chinese Paintings & Calligraphy (Part II)
Chinese Ceramics & Works of Art
Stamps & Postal History
Coins & Banknotes(Part I)
Coins & Banknotes(Part II)
Addr: Hotel Kunlun Beijing
2 Xinyuan Nan Lu, Chaoyang District, Beijing
Republic, The Portrait of Yuan Shi Kai Gold Coin Sample, Engraved by L.GIORGI, weight 34.8g., 1914, extremely rare, Proof
28.5 X 174cm. Hand scroll, ink and color on paper. Signed Binhong, entitled, with a dedication and two seals of the artist.
1897 Red Revenue stamp surcharged for postal use large figure 4c X 25 whole frame,with left, up margin,No. 25 is reconstruct,the 1st pane overprinting format,few stamps left,bright colour,perfect origin gum,LH,VF