A lot catalogued with the name of a time period,reign or dynasty without further qualification is, in our qualified opinion,made during or shortly after that probably period,reign or dynasty,When it is noted as “in the style of” a time period,reign of dynasty is,in our qualified opinion,quite possibly a copy or imitation of pieces made during the named period,reign or dynasty.A lot catalogued without the name of a time period,reign or dynasty,means that in our qualified opinion,it cannot be specified.
A reference to a “mark and of the period” means that,in our qualified opinion,the piece is of the period of the mark.and it was made during the period,reign or dynasty catalogued.
Condition of a lot is,in our qualified opinion, the present status of a lot contained.the bidder shall inspect and check the actual status of the lot.The condition report is only for the convenience of the buyer.In case that the condition report differs from the actual condition, the latter shall apply.
“condition report available” in our qualified opinion,means that the lot may be damaged or blemished in storage, the bidder could require the condition report.
When no “condition report available” is mentioned, the lot is, in our qualified opinion, not guaranteed without damage or blemish.
The company shall catalogue the exhibition information of the lot for identification.
The company shall catalogue the popular publication information for the lot for identification except the disagreement from the seller.
The company shall catalogue the collecting information and the important auction information of the lot for identification.
The refer means that the lot is similar to but not the same with the information.
The estimate price is only for the convenience of the buyer but it does not include the remuneration from the buyer.